Our goal is to get society talking about the hidden truths around female sexual desire. We recently added Impact Producer Shelby Knox (AUDRIE & DAISY) to help us develop a grassroots impact campaign around women and gender equality with the goal of correcting how sex education is taught in schools across North America and potentially the rest of the world. (Shelby was also the subject of the 2005 documentary film THE EDUCATION OF SHELBY KNOX which chronicled her efforts as a student while at her Texas high school to get comprehensive sex education taught in Lubbock's public schools). Getting this film to young women coming of age is important in helping them navigate the sexually charged landscape we are all living in. A core rallying cry of this campaign is #TellHerTheTruth. Using the tools of social media, in partnership with our stakeholders, we will create carefully curated information about the truth of women’s sexual anatomy that includes the accurate depiction of the clitoris and information about its function. Having a way to access information on a trusted platform will be critical to #TellHerTheTruth. In North America, we will measure success as the day when every young woman entering her first year in high school knows the truth of her anatomy.

Outreach planning has already begun. Working closely with Cynthia Lopez (Former Commissioner at New York City Mayor's Officer of Media and Entertainment), we are building an advisory committee that already includes Eve Ensler (Playwright: THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES) and Ann Starrs, President of the Guttmacher Institute, a leading research and public policy organization working on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and globally. Other formative partners include the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, the Center for the Study of Sexuality and Gender at the University of Chicago, the Center for the Study of Sexual Culture at the University of California, the International Council on Human Rights, Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, NOW, and the YMCA/YWCA to name only a few. These partners will help us host influencer screenings nationwide, host meaningful conversations with key audience segments, build screening and social media tool kits, create educational and discussion guides, and help with impact measurement. In addition, we will host screenings at universities with gender studies programs and conferences targeted to women.

We want the film to be a catalyst for a thoughtful conversation about female sexual desire that is informed by the current political and sexual landscape. We want our audience to leave our screenings empowered by our message that agency over one’s sexual desire is a basic human right. The 58th Natural Law of CLITERACY states: Democracy without Cliteracy? Phallusy. Cliteracy=Equality=Freedom.